Operators & Machines Part 1 (Operators as your Asset)

Operators & Machines Part 1 (Operators as your Asset)

Operators as your Asset

It is very important to maintain your operators to bring benefits for the business, this means:

  1. Identify their current skill and set training program for their improvement
  2. Create competitive environment to achieve good result
  3. Make sure they are happy with the rewards based on performance

Let us see in more detail on each point…..

  • Most of the time factories have difficulty in identifying skill of operators, it is essential to have the skill matrix of each single operator, analyze their strength and weakness and then create the training program for them.

  • It can be challenging for supervisors or line leaders to push operators to hit the target, but by using valid data of the skill of all operators within the factory we can create internal competition amongst themselves.

  • Motivation is another key point to encourage operators to perform better. We need to identify skilful operators on certain task, or even multi-talented operators so we can create a fair incentive scheme. This method will help us to keep operators being loyal to us and bring benefits to the company.

Company must see the workers as the partner, on the other hand workers must appreciate company as their working place where they can perform their skill and show that they mean something. This relationship is built based on mutual benefits.

Skill-Math can help you to achieve this, company/factory and workers can grow together.


Best regards,

Yunanto Herlaksono

Email: info@skill-math.com || Web: www.skill-math.com

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